Society judges people outwardly, praising physical attributes and abilities. Some assess moral worth on the basis of gender, skin color, or other things. But the Bible is clear throughout: God…

The Slanderer (Job 1)

June 13, 2021
From the very beginning Satan is depicted as a false accuser. The N.T. Greek word for "devil" is "diabolos," which means slanderer. When people slander each other, as is so…
Israel was blessed as a result of sacrificial faithfulness to Yahweh. But they grew decadent - fat, entitled, forgetful of their past. This can happen to any nation - victims of their own God-given prosperity.
The judgment is harsh for Israel when she forgets her past & the blessings of her roots and heritage. To throw away such a gift to run after worthless things is an act of abominable foolishness. Each person, family and nation should read these sobering words of warning.
500 years ago Martin Luther got a rare opportunity to speak before the emperor. In Acts 26 Paul got "permission to speak" to two powerful men. What did they say and what can we learn from it?