From the very beginning Satan is depicted as a false accuser. The N.T. Greek word for "devil" is "diabolos," which means slanderer. When people slander each other, as is so…
Israel was blessed as a result of sacrificial faithfulness to Yahweh. But they grew decadent - fat, entitled, forgetful of their past. This can happen to any nation - victims of their own God-given prosperity.
The judgment is harsh for Israel when she forgets her past & the blessings of her roots and heritage. To throw away such a gift to run after worthless things is an act of abominable foolishness. Each person, family and nation should read these sobering words of warning.
500 years ago Martin Luther got a rare opportunity to speak before the emperor. In Acts 26 Paul got "permission to speak" to two powerful men. What did they say and what can we learn from it?
Paul prepared in Acts 25 to stand before two powerful rulers of his time. 500 yrs ago Martin Luther stood alone before the Holy Roman Emperor. Would you be ready and able if called upon in your time and place?