
Those who shepherd the Free Methodist churches have introduced five principles they call “The Free Methodist Way,” This is the first in a series on each of those. The first to be covered is “God-given revelation,” in which we look at how God communicates, past and present, especially through the Word, or as Paul describes puts it, “the writings … able to make you wise for salvation.”

The Bible is a collection of various types of writing. These are genres. There’s poetry, law, prophecy, narrative, history, genealogy, proverb, parable, letter, gospel, etc. These make a big difference in how we are to read and interpret, so we have to understand this if we want to read the Bible as we are meant to.

The Translation of Scripture

Session 4 in this class turns to the actual copies of the Bible people have read over the years – which are always translations into other languages. We talk about the concept of translating the Word of God, and some of the most important early translations.

The Transmission (Passing Down) of the Scriptures

The 3rd session on the Bible. Before we learn to interpret the text, we may ask about its origin and transmission. How did ancient writings come down through time? Can we trust the text in light of this process?