In our third session we turn to the common debate over whether America is a “Christian nation.” The question is too vague to answer without some groundwork being done first. We look at how we can say either “yes” or “no” depending upon what is meant by the question.
The first class in a new Wed. night series on Church & State. This session looks at forms of government, from monarchy to socialism, as can be seen in the Bible. Does Scripture offer a guide or divinely sanctioned government structure?
Presentation by Dr. Clint Roberts from a 2017 conference in New Orleans.
The West has seen a dramatic move away from its roots, and the process of secularizing every area of life has pushed religious beliefs and perspectives out of the public sphere. But should we go along with this hard dichotomy between the sacred and the secular? Is this what rendering unto Caesar is supposed to look like? Is this what separation of church and state really entails?