Few people can say they "had it all." The writer of Ecclesiastes could. But looking back, he gives wisdom that only someone who had it all can provide. Spoiler alert:…
Two back-to-back verses sound like they are in direct contradiction. What is the meaning of this? Should we answer a fool according to his folly, or should we not? This…
Slander is a malicious kind of gossip. It violates the 9th Commandment. Proverbs echoes a consistent theme across Scripture that condemns this sin. In our own day this message is…
Proverbs personifies wisdom as a woman calling out for people to listen & learn from her. But there is another woman calling out to people - the personification of foolishness.…
Truth has as it main competitors things like popular opinion, subjective personal feelings, various forms of power, and individual preferences. But as strong as these are in their pull and…